This Week in Tarot & Presidential Predictive Dreams: 25 July-1 August 2022
The Hermit, Viking Rune Nauthiz
Tarot Card of the Week: The Hermit
This week’s tarot card is available to all readers as an audio meditation under the title: “Altered States in Audio’s The Hermit Tarot: Lantern of Wisdom”.
Viking Rune Stone of the Week: Nauthiz
Nauthiz can encourage spiritual seekers to seize the moment. One of the lessons of this rune is to rise above conflict by engaging in courageous actions. More details on this rune stone are below.
The following article includes:
*World News from the Future
*Pandemic and Climate Predictive Dreams
*Nature Creatures Nurture Creation
*US News from the Future Tarot Q&A
Q. “Will the current administration restore our rights in the US?”
Q. “What do the cards see as the next steps for the Democratic Party? Also, what will happen to the Republicans?”
*Stages of Changes
*More Than a Vote
*Despair is not an Option
*Presidential Predictive Dreams
*Tarot-Astro Reading: Tarot in Astrology News
*Future News for You
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Tarot Card of the Week: The Hermit
The card I pulled for you this week is The Hermit. A man whose beard matches the snowy mountaintop where he walks is holding a staff in one hand and a lantern in another. The lantern is a sign that he is in the dark, but his wisdom or inner guidance lights the way ahead. While he might seem to be alone, his staff denotes support from another source. He wears a cape made of plentiful fabric that covers most of his body and head, making him almost invisible when he takes his walk in the dark. This card takes place at night, and therefore the dawn is not far away on his journey. The mountain in this image denotes success and self-development. The kind of success The Hermit seeks as he traverses this path is that of the truth or a higher purpose. Astrologically, The Hermit has similarities with the sign of Virgo.
Viking Rune Stone of the Week: Nauthiz
The rune Nauthiz can refer to the methods we use to overcome hardships, conflicts, or obstacles. Your experiences will serve you well, and these times or previous periods where you had the bravery to face reality and eclipse a difficulty will become part of your life story. Sometimes our stories can become our greatest strength.
The Hermit is similar to Nauthiz because this card represents a period of study, this rune highlights experiences that help us to learn more about life, and both of these interpretations refer to the acquisition of wisdom. You know more now than you ever did before, and this knowledge combined with your cumulative introspection and action will serve you well. Nauthiz indicates that now or in the near future might be the time to take action on an opportunity.
World News From the Future
The Hermit in world news can be interpreted as a retreat or withdrawal from public life. For instance, this can indicate someone who hides from responsibility or accountability. It is possible that an official will be hidden from the worldview for now, especially if it is following the discovery of a lie. This departure from world affairs could have an unintended positive effect. When a leader is absent or passive, people tend to fill in the gaps by building group efforts towards solving issues. Therefore, leaders hiding from responsibility will make space that can be filled by climate activists—if there are enough of us in a short enough period of time.
In other world news, The Hermit indicates that an additional form of lockdown might be on the horizon this fall. I don’t know about you but for me, The Hermit is the Major Arcana card that has come up most frequently for me in readings during the last two years of the pandemic. At times, this card has helped me to prepare for periods of hibernation and plan accordingly in the interest of increased health. I already hibernate for most of the summer because of global warming. I try to make it fun by planning something enjoyable during that time. I also set a goal for what I would like to do following each period of self-isolation. More details on “Coping With the Climate Crisis” will be published next week in an article on Substack.
Pandemic Predictive Dream: July 2022
I am still having dreams of melting glaciers and subsequent ocean rise that appears to be happening much sooner than expected. I will publish details about one of these dreams next week in a section entitled “Future News Dream Journey”. Part of what we can take from the emergence of recent illnesses is a warning sign to do all we can to halt the production of fossil fuels. As we know from scientific predictions, permafrost melt could unearth ancient diseases and will release methane. While COVID and now monkeypox have been causing harm, they are also giving us signals to do more before we encounter other diseases. Warning signs often come at a cost and great loss but one thing we learn from tragedies is how to prevent even bigger catastrophes.
Climate Predictive Dream: July 6th, 2022
I had another dream about living at the edge of the ocean. It took place in the future, as many of my ocean-related dreams have, and it had elements I’ve noticed before in predictive dreams that have come to pass. In this dream, there was a lovely but entirely new landscape, although in this case, it was more of a seascape, where people were adapting to living on the water more than the land.
Predicted Highlights in Upcoming News from the Future Headlines: Belarusian relations to Russia, particularly concerning Russian presence in Minsk.
Trending Terms in the Near-Future News: Under meditation, I saw “Terminal illness” in future headlines. On a more positive note, I also see “Reparations” in near-future headlines, specifically related to climate reparations. In the US, discussions about reparations for descendants of those who were enslaved. Conversations about reparations for Indigenous peoples, with a increased movement for increased Native American sovereignty in the form of returning land to the original inhabitants.
Nature Creatures Nurture Creation
I was meditating this afternoon when I heard someone rustling in the tree outside my window. A deer was chewing on the leaves. This deer made me think that the creatures of nature are worth preserving, no matter what it takes. We have an opportunity to protect the future generations of other species, not only our own. Sometimes it helps to think of one being and focus on what we would do to help keep them alive. If you can think of a person or pet you love, that alone is enough to fight for and plenty of reason to become or continue being a climate activist.
US News From the Future
Q. “Will the current administration restore our rights in the US?”
A. So far, have Democrats been effective at countering encroaching fascism? I have sometimes wondered if they have enabled it by refusing to exercise the actions that are available. I hope that the shortcomings of this administration will be amended since these more recent, extreme rulings. If they are, will it be enough? Clearly, the central problem is the system, and that system is late-stage capitalism.
Based on the recent history of the political inaction of elected officials, and considering the more recent flaws that have been incorporated into our system through corporate lobbying and campaign contributions, I'm not counting on most of the politicians now in office to take necessary actions to protect our rights or the environment. A tarot card reading for August included The Devil and The Tower, and when combined with The Hermit, this can mean virtue-signaling, performativity, or passivity that results in a major loss, followed by withdrawal, extended vacations, or other ways of hiding from mistakes without taking actions to amend them. That leadership vacuum will be filled in by masses of people who are ready to fight for their future.
Stages of Changes
There will be superficial attempts to make political changes but it’s a song and dance performance that plays out until they’re out of office and therefore unable to take responsibility. I wish it was otherwise and I hope I am wrong but most of the officials now in power have been bought by corporate interests and work for corporations, even though in theory they should be bound to serve only the people. Very few refuse corporate PAC money, although there are some exceptions in Congress and this is a growing trend, especially amongst progressives. Again, this is a system problem, not a criticism of any one person. The whole system has to change. I don't know what all of the solutions will be but I don't expect them to come from most of those who are currently in office in the US because they have already sold their souls to large corporations (a theme of The Devil tarot card) and are therefore compromised by a financial conflict of interest. When public opinion turns on them to a significant degree, they will retreat, and that action of feigned invisibility is congruent with The Hermit Reversed.
More Than a Vote
Foundationally, there will eventually be a movement to abolish the FEC in the interest of campaign finance reform, a call to restore the Voting Rights Act, and a general consensus that Citizens United should be overturned. If these issues are solved a fair voting system can support us in electing officials who would be capable of 1) restoring our human rights and 2) making further needed changes, including combatting the climate crisis—which is the greatest and most urgent threat to democracy. But how can these solutions happen when the changes that are needed for the rest of us to live in peace, well-being, and prosperity don't benefit the majority of those who now hold power?
Voting is important but that is the bare minimum. More will need to be done in the pursuit of climate and economic justice, especially as our voting rights have eroded over the years and other rights are continuing to be stolen by the supreme court. If things continue in the increasingly authoritarian direction they've been going we will have fewer voting rights by 2024. As we know, there are fascists waiting in the wings who are eager to take and unethically attempt to stay in power. At a bare minimum, I believe that we have never needed a general strike more than we do now, if not more than one. Our freedom is completely in jeopardy and fascism will move forward unfettered if it is not stopped, and this statement is not hyperbole.
Despair is Not an Option
Be that as it may, we’ve faced and overcome fascism before and this new form of totalitarianism will not last, either. Oppression can come to an end and newfound freedom will be able to take its place. As Bernie Sanders discussed on a July 20th Twitter livestream, those who want to create a better world have faced opposition before, and while it isn’t easy to fight against malevolent forces, we know from previous experiences that it can be done. In this talk, he also emphasised the moral obligation we have to future generations:
“These are tough times, but it is not appropriate for us to live in despair because this, all of this, is not about just us…we are fighting for not just ourselves but for others, the future, future generations, so it seems to me that despair is not an option. This is tough stuff, and the victories are not gonna be easy. We are facing enormous, enormously powerful opposition, but throughout history that has been the case…people have faced enormous opposition and things change...all we can continue to do is to keep fighting”. —Senator Bernie Sanders
Presidential Predictive Dream: July 23rd, 2022
I had a dream last night that included appearances from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. In the first dream, Biden says he isn’t feeling well and isn’t “up to it”. “I can’t do this”, he stated, referring to carrying on with the job of the Presidency. It seemed like he had suffered from a series of strokes.
After listening to Biden, I walked to a large outdoor area where children were lining up for help from one man. I noticed a disturbing imbalance of power in this scene. This man was a billionaire who set himself up as a sort of “Santa Claus” but in fact was the opposite, taking everything possible from these children. Instead of giving to them in the present, he was stealing their entire future. As each child arrived at the front of the line, the man would give them a toy and tell them something comforting yet untrue. He was feeding them fairy tales and they couldn’t do anything to get out of the line. Once they finished talking to him, they would go to the back of the line, and this never-ending process of being told lies in exchange for a toy once a year continued. This process reminded me of worshipers waiting in line to kiss the ring of a pope, although the Machiavellian megalomaniac who mollied the masses while secretly mocking them in this dream was more like a corporate pope.
In this world of late-stage capitalism where the most vulnerable people are sacrificed to make additional space for the already-strongest and most privileged, choices are often driven by models, not morals. As capitalism subsides, and the tides are already turning against capitalist practise, the notion of literal models and mimicking of imagery will decrease in popularity. In future social media posts, a sentiment I see is the distancing from physical trends. Have you ever looked at an advertisement or a celebrity whose recent cosmetic surgery suggests a new trend and wondered: "Okay, who am I supposed to want to look like now?" Near-future trends will include not only being more accepting of one’s natural appearance but also accepting of those who choose cosmetic enhancements. The difference will be that instead of modeling oneself based on what is being pushed by advertising, changes in looks will seek to enhance and emphasise what is already present. I see people of the future leaving behind conformity and imitative behaviour and instead seeking to envision a creative extension and expression of themselves.
Back to the dream, I walk away from this line of enforced fandom and arrive at a convention centre or school auditorium. At first, it is nearly empty, and I think: “I can get some work done in here"!” Then the building suddenly floods with more people than it can handle, presumably refugees. Because I came here to work, I ridiculously try to carry a full-sized desk to the front so I can try to carve out a space for myself. While there are many people they make way for my desk and are surprisingly polite, considering that they lost so much and seem so lost. A change happens, though—the auditorium or convention centre develops seats and people sit on them and wait for a show.
Eventually, a working centre emerges in an adjoining room but it doesn’t last for long. People try to keep the system of working 9-5 from Monday through Friday together but abandon it out of necessity. I return to the convention centre to see the show is about to start. Since I have more time before the performance begins, I return to the office space and am propelled into a future time where the previous office has morphed into an abandoned corporation composed of rotting cubicles. As I look at the rusted metal on the edges of desks and cubicles and the yellowing of the walls as a result of years of pollution, I hear a message over the loudspeaker: “Code Red Warning: Civilisation Disruption in 2023”.
As I leave the convention centre, I end up on a dirt road where asphalt apparently previously reigned. Lights and pedestrian crosswalks don’t work the same way they used to. People cross this dirt path in groups, presumably to stay safe in the absence of law and order. Crossing the street, I encounter Kamala Harris. She is in a white suit and glances at me. She does not seem pleased by my presence. In the world of this dream, I don't know if that means she doesn’t want to be around people with progressive political views, or perhaps she is very private. Biden is not there, just Harris standing alone in a very clean, pressed eggshell suit on a dirt road.
From what I can gather based on the earlier part of this dream, her presence on her own seems to indicate a period of time when she will have to take over for the presidency, whether officially or unofficially. I gathered from the announcement on the convention centre loudspeaker that the dream took place in 2023 or maybe 2024 by the time I got to the dirt road. This dream seems to predict chaos in 2023 and hints that Biden is not up to running in 2024. Harris is less popular than Biden, and Biden is not popular, so who will run as the Democratic candidate? Only a progressive can win against a fascist, not another moderate Democrat. Moderates appeal to the middle class and there aren’t many left in the middle class of the US. There will be fewer by 2024, especially when including under-employed Gen Z voters who will have turned 18 by then.
Economic desperation is on the rise, so the winner will be the one who promises the most change—for better or for worse. If the DNC does what they did the last two times by choosing their own moderate, corporate candidate (and they will if they are not stopped), the outcome could be disastrous. While the DNC and RNC should be partial and neutral, further attempts to make primaries obsolete are inevitable. When DNC propagandists promote their own candidate, they’re giving permission to fascists to do the same. I think this is coming from a place of wanting to do what’s perceived as best. DNC operatives may justify their manipulation of voter agency as being “in the best interest” of everyone, but this is like telling children you know what’s best for them. You literally have to be 18 to vote so none of us are children and we don’t need to continue to be condescended to by a little league of corporate stans. I think that children would choose a better candidate than the ones the DNC comes up with. At least children have the freedom to act from the heart and don’t tend to be led by the blinding pied piper of monetary gain. While the Pied Piper of Hamelin character lures children in the fairy tale, it is adults who have been duped by the hypnotic music of opulence in reality.
I remember my dad had a vision when Harris was running for the Senate. He said I would get to see her become President one day, and there was no reason for him to be so sure of that as he told me this in 2016. That doesn’t necessarily mean he was predicting that she would be elected President because it could mean: 1) that Harris will take over until the next elections due to an illness suffered by Biden, 2) he was seeing her become Vice President, or 3) all of the above. My dad was neither a Democrat at the time nor a Harris supporter so this vision was not a projection of his hopes. He lived in California when she ran for the Senate in 2016 and did not vote for her but knew what he saw nonetheless. He passed away before the 2020 US presidential elections and didn’t live to see her become Vice President, but somehow he knew I would. His visions and dreams of future times make me feel he’s still here with me today because he cognitively experienced and described what would happen in physical reality before we ever arrived here ourselves.
Tarot-Astro of the Week: Astrology Updates
Jul 25 Juno Retrograde Pisces Self-sacrifice and a call to make sacrifices become more likely at this time. Emphasise boundaries and increase self-care as a method of self-protection. The Moon is a Major Arcana card that relates to Pisces as well as Cancer (and a New Moon is scheduled for July 28th). Reversed, the Moon Card can be about revelations of hidden information or the purging of fears through dream states.
Jul 28 New Moon in Leo Manifest and revisit what brings you joy. Let this time help you to shine. The Major Arcana tarot card Strength relates to the sign Leo.
Jul 28 Jupiter Retrograde in Aries Air transportation, particularly in matters of war but also related to leisurely travel, becomes stalled until Jupiter turns direct. Issues with planes can arise during this period, causing the development of new engines and more varied methods of travel that ultimately benefit the climate and environment by using fewer fossil fuels. In the Major Arcana tarot, Aries can be associated with The Emperor. Reversed, The Emperor can be about someone who is either unqualified as an authority figure or who has become overly controlling in that position.
Future News for You
In your own life, The Hermit is a card of contemplation, meditation, theorising, and the ability to discover wisdom from within. Despite focusing on the development of the inner life, the Hermit is a grounded figure who is associated with the sun sign Virgo. Overall, this card offers an opportunity to gather strength through introspection. While it can literally denote or predict a period of isolation, that temporary state yields growth, and from that growth, new opportunities are awakened. When you receive this card in a reading, it can be a reminder that dedication to meditation can act as a foundation for everything else.
The rune stone Nauthiz encourages seekers of wisdom to be realistic about limitations and let them inspire solutions. Sometimes limitations make our destiny clearer because we have been shown a way forward by eliminating options that aren’t possible. This rune also affirms the necessity of letting go of shame. Guilt is productive if it prevents harmful actions, but shame can be toxic and paralysing. An anacronym I have heard for shame is: “Should Have Already Mastered Everything”. Shame is linked to perfectionism, and sometimes we take on an emotional burden or responsibility for problems that are greater than we can realistically solve on our own. The shameful system is capitalism, you didn’t cause the state we’re in. If you experience shame about large-scale issues that are going on in the world today, know that this is habitual indoctrination from a system that can only survive by shaming and blaming us. By using this lesson from Nauthiz and relinquishing unnecessary shame implanted by decades of capitalist brainwashing, we can liberate mental space that will be replaced with constructive actions, resulting in the possibility of producing a better future together.
What to Look for From The Hermit
Playing the role of student or teacher for a time
Pausing to rest or recuperate
Looking for a purpose
Searching for truth and meaning
Seeking knowledge
What to Learn From The Hermit
Gathering of wisdom
Guiding others to their own inner wisdom or intuition
Time Travel Tarot: Posts from the Future
“Adventure to the Future I: Predictive Dreams and Future Life Progressions”
“The History and Spirituality of Past Life Regression Exploration”
“The Realm of Dreams: Exploring Dream Meanings and Precognitive Dreaming”
“Altered States in Audio: Tarot Card Meditations”
“Music as Meditation: Musicality and Spirituality”
“News from the Future: September-October 2022 Predictions”
“Grief and the Afterlife IV: Coming to You Live from the Other Side”
Hypnotherapy and Psychic Readings
For hypnotherapy services, psychic tarot readings, medium readings, past life regressions, or dream therapy, please book an appointment here.
*Psychic readings are for entertainment purposes only and are not performed by a licenced medical practitioner. Please consult with a medical doctor regarding all health concerns. Please consult with your financial advisor regarding all financial decisions. Any consultation you receive is subject to your own interpretation and you agree to take full responsibility for your interpretation.
How interesting that you had the dream about the President falling ill just days before it was announced he had COVID. I hope we can be spared the trauma of losing him to strokes or whatever, and the aftermath, though I feel the V.P. could and would step up to the challenge.
Still pulling and believing in a blue wave for midterms. The dems seem to be figuring out how to get around the republicans, and the majority of the country is against what the Supreme Court has done, and the latest hit t.v. show is the Jan. 6 hearings. Guess I have to believe in it.
On a personal note, I’m noticing that my daily morning tarot pulls are showing cards that seem to coincide either a day or two before or after your weekly cards, the last being The Hermit. So thank you for the explanation. It happened on a day when I absolutely had to be out and about and was a bit nervous about how things would go. Walking in the dark, with a light to show the way and the support I needed, actually was quite right on the mark.
Also, I know you’ve talked about predictive dreams previously, but I’ve had dreams, actually more like nightmares, where I was in a war scenario, with people being bombed, or killed; or school buses overturning, or people screaming at me to go through a door. I’ve been told by a very spiritual friend that these are “work” I’ve been asked to do, that they can actually prevent such things from happening somewhere to others. Does this ring true with you?
Thank you for your posts!
Hi Kyra, that was such an interesting post, particularly about ancient diseases. I really hope not, but I also agree, this is not the time for despair but action. It's a bit of a losing fight in Australia on the COVID front which has been disappointing. Lots of us are sounding the alarm on twitter and sharing stories, and statistics but none of it is being reported. Australia has just become the country in the world with the highest deaths per million people in the world. It's just insane.
It leads me to my question for the month. Since Covid I have been increasingly restless, or feeling claustrophobic being at home so much. We have been pretty much working from home for three years now (and grateful to have been so lucky to be employed during these hard times). Life has really changed though, and we don't see many people anymore. We pretty much live as we did during lockdown as covid runs rampant.
I keep looking at property to buy, and feel like a sea change (although I have always been a city person) but now I find myself craving change. I wonder what you see with our housing situation? Do you see us moving? I spend hours looking at different areas and houses, but nothing *feels right*. I can't explain it. It would be better for my career to maybe stay put, but since I haven't been in the office, perhaps that is silly. I would really appreciate your insight into what you see for us.
Thank you, or cheers as we say in Oz!