Dec 24, 2023Liked by Kyra Lin Oser

Hi Kyra. So glad to have you back ❤️ this time last year I asked you a question about moving forward in love and business. The advice was to focus on my business and the love will come and everything will come — some updates! So I finally released a big business project and my business purchased me real estate! My first home. Love, not just yet as I’m still focussed on growing my business and after some living hiccups, I’ve only just come back to my home so love was put on pause. Although exciting and I’m so happy with how it’s going, there still feels like something that’s holding me back in business and from stuff really flourishing. It feels like a slowly dripping tap and like there’s just one thing that needs to happen for the tap to be at the desired flow I know it can be — specifically around money and also visibility of what I do. The question is what needs to happen. Do you have any insights? Thank you 🙏🏻

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Dec 26, 2023·edited Dec 26, 2023Author

Hi Peta, Thank you for your warm message of appreciation! ❤️ I am happy to hear that your business has taken off since we last talked about this, and so much so that you were able to purchase your first home. Congratulations!

I asked the cards about what can bring about the change you seek in getting your business to grow and become more visible. The card you received was The Hermit Reversed. This is good news because some reversed cards contain an action plan of something you can do to get more of what you want. This card is one of them. The Hermit is saying that you may have needed a period of isolation to accomplish what you wanted to do but to get to the next step, reaching out more, and likely to some people you have not yet met, can take you to a new phase of your career. This period of coming out of isolation could refer to partnership, mentorship, or collaboration. This card in reverse is generally about networking, in whatever way works best for you. If one way of networking doesn't get you all the results you need, keep going and connecting with other groups until you find the people who can help you while you help them.

This expansion of networking, collaborating, and opening up your professional life (including to new people from other regions and countries) will connect you with the energy of eventually meeting more options in other areas of your life, including romantically. Of course, continue to be discriminating about who you work with, but 2024 brings new choices about who and how that can be. This shift of openness (while continuing to be discerning) will also build your confidence in finding the right partner for you. While the near-future focus will still be on nurturing the growth of your business, as long as you take these new actions, other areas of your life can also bloom in time. The universe is prompting you to reach out to groups and individuals in innovative and creative ways. As long as you do, many gifts will come your way that wouldn't have otherwise been able to be delivered. Enjoy! 🙏🏻

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,


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Jan 3Liked by Kyra Lin Oser

This is incredible. Thank you so much and happy new year ❤️🙏🏻

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I'm glad you enjoyed the reading, Peta! It was my pleasure and I enjoyed reading this card for you. Happy New Year!! ❤️🙏🏻

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Kyra Lin Oser

Hi Kyra, welcome back.

Im currently in negotiations with my boss asking for a better offer than came with my promotion. Could you share any insight?

Thanks kindly.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023Author

Hi Anon, Thank you! I'm happy to be back. 

I shuffled the cards and asked your question. The King of Wands Reversed fell out onto the floor. This can be a leader who is controlling or one who doesn't have a clear sense of direction. This might or might not be about your boss as it could be someone else who works above or along with them and who is making decisions that don't take the overall picture into account. It could be your boss and someone else who consults with them and drives some aspect of the decisions.

While that might be what is going on behind the scenes, what can you do about it? When you get this card as a response to a career question, it encourages action. You already took action by asking for a better offer. Your willingness to speak up for what you want demonstrates confidence in your abilities. Even if that confidence is not rewarded immediately, it eventually will be as you move and grow into a bigger role. You're putting out an energy into the world that says, "I believe in myself and I am ready and capable".

The next action might just be about letting this situation help you to reformulate and add to your goals. Perhaps you are already starting to do that. This card encourages you to dream big.  King of Wands R is warning that something prevents that from playing out in the exact way that you want right now, because the time and place for that to manifest is still on its way.

I also picked a second card, asking why this is happening for you. This next card is very positive! The King of Pentacles indicates that all of this will (eventually) work in your favour. If you don't get all you want and need now or in the very near future, you will be inspired to think even bigger and imagine what more you could have in future times. This will help you to take more actions in the future that can build your career in ways that might be beyond what you imagine even now. I'm curious to see how this all plays out for you.

Overall, the King of Pentacles signifies significant material progress in the future and is one of the most prosperous court cards in the deck. In another phase, it will be you as the leader, or possibly you leading along with someone else. Any discomfort in the present situation will help you to expand into a more lucrative role in time. In hindsight, it will be clear that it could not have happened otherwise. Where and when is the only question...but the cards congratulate you on being well on your way with your present and future approach! :)

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Kyra Lin Oser

Thanks Kyra. The afternoon that I wrote this message, I got an instance knock back from my boss about more money. There is a real lack of transparency. I felt demotivated but after reading this, I'll use it as a reason to refocus and reframe my next steps. Thank you for the reading!

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