Tarot Arts
Tarot Arts Podcast
Altered States in Audio: The Star Tarot

Altered States in Audio: The Star Tarot

Meditation 2: Smith-Waite or Rider-Waite Deck

The Star tarot card exudes expressiveness, imagination, and inspiration. The following tarot-inspired meditation can help you connect or reconnect with the inventiveness and idealism of star energy in your own life.

“Hi, I’m Kyra Oser, and this is ‘Altered States in Audio: The Star Tarot’. In this series, I take you on a tour of different tarot card decks from around the world using altered states of consciousness. These dream journeys, guided meditations, and hypnotic explorations will help the cards communicate to you in a personal language that is unique to who you are and what you seek. By returning to these cards and recordings over time, you will find that new messages and guidance will continue to be revealed to you.

Please do not listen to this recording while driving or operating heavy machinery.

Close your eyes and let your body slow down. Now imagine that your mind is slowing down. Let your breath follow, inhaling and exhaling for longer than usual. Hear the sound of the ticking of a clock, with one tick per second. You are navigating Earth time.

Slow that pace down, until the ticking takes twice as long. You may notice or feel the activities of the planet slowing down with the ebbing of the clock. The sound of the clock continues to slow its pace, until the ticking stops…and time stands still. This interruption of temporal bondage frees you from the pressure of the clock—at least for now. As your breath continues to slow down, your sense of calm increases. Notice how this calm, centered state of being is not only supporting your well-being but also gradually giving your body permission to relax more and more with every breath you take. Allow yourself to fully receive this gift of calm and balanced relaxation, even if just for now.

When you feel ready, visualise or pretend that you are outside in the evening. From where you are sitting or laying down, you can see or sense stars making light in the night sky. You may notice that one star stands out amongst all the others. Choose the star that you feel most drawn to and focus on that image. Does the light of the star pulsate, or is it emanating a more static brightness? With every subsequent breath, you can feel your spirit, energy, or essential self rising above the ground and into the sky, floating closer and closer to the stars and away from the Earth. It’s almost like having an out-of-body experience. By the way, you don’t have to believe in OBEs to take this journey; all you need to do is pretend.

Feel yourself travelling higher and higher, feeling lighter and lighter as you float safely and comfortably in space. As you get closer to this source of light, imagine yourself feeling the warmth of this celestial body. Moving even closer, you notice a feeling that’s akin to being lovingly embraced by that star. It’s almost like being hugged, held, and protected by a beautiful source of nature.

Perhaps the star even makes a sound. Can you hear it? The sounds that natural forces make can act as cosmic music. It is almost as if the star is speaking to you. Now look back at the Earth. For now, you’ve been given the ability to see from the point of view of this light, of this star, that you felt drawn to in those moments of skygazing on the Earth. You are like an actor, playing the role of The Star. This cosmic connection that you’re making is like putting on a costume that’s been given to you by the natural energy of our galaxy.

Now that you’re seeing from the point of view of a star, do you feel bigger or smaller than you do on Earth? What is your emotion right now? Can you look at the Earth from where you are? If so, what are you seeing? Now, if you can look back at yourself outdoors, on the Earth, still relaxing in a state of meditation, how would you see your life today from this distance? How do you, as the star, see yourself? What advice would you give to yourself today from your present perspective? As a star, what wisdom would you give to someone else? If you, as a star, had a message for all the people of the Earth, what would you say to them today?

When you are ready, you can feel yourself gently and effortlessly descending back down to the earth. You start to hear the ticking of the clock again, at first very slowly, perhaps at half the normal pace of the minute hand on a clock. As you float farther and farther away from the star, you can take with you any inspiration, revelations, and positive feelings that this journey to connect with and become the star has given you.

Entering back into your body and feeling grounded and rooted to the Earth once again, you hear the ticking of the Earthly clock returning to its normal pace, at one sound per second. Allow yourself to anchor into the present moment as you prepare to be inspired and enlightened by the wisdom you gathered from the star that will continue to guide you in the day ahead. When you are ready, you can open your eyes, slowly, and easily, and gently, taking your time, feeling energised, rejuvenated, and reawakened into the current times and space.

If you’re ever in need of inspiration, relaxation, or an alternative perspective, returning to this meditation can provide you with new insights from The Star. In future tarot readings for yourself and others, you may begin to notice an enhanced ability to pick up on intuitive messages in the images of The Star tarot card itself”.

Time Travel Tarot: Articles from the Future

“This Week in Tarot”

“News from the Future”

“Altered States in Audio: Tarot Series”

Past Life Regressions, Hypnotherapy and Psychic Readings

For hypnotherapy services, past life regressions, psychic tarot readings, medium readings, or dream therapy, please book your appointment here.

Psychic readings are for entertainment only.

Tarot Arts
Tarot Arts Podcast
Meditations and predictions inspired by tarot.