Hallo Kyra! I am your greatest admirer and I hope you don't take this as correction - who am I, really? But I think you have a very strong, very karmic connection to Britain and the BRF, and you've been drawing for them for a long time! When you got the King of Pentacles again you were drawing England, and it's not Charles in my opinion, it's William. You've taught me way too much for me to correct you, and I wouldn't dare to do so, but the card is recurrent, and you dreamt of Kamala in white - Camilla usually wears that color, right? I think you should really stick to England because it is your thing. So sorry if I sound patronizing, I'm really just an admirer. Love. L.

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Thank you for your message, António! You bring up an interesting point. You've probably noticed how one card can represent multiple people or situations simultaneously. Different readers can draw the same cards and interpret them as representing dissimilar people or events (even on a similar timeline), yet both readers may be right. I wouldn't be surprised if the King of Pentacles R represents more than one major public figure. Cards can also draw attention to a zeitgeist or larger trend that impacts multiple people.

In a broader sense, the King of Pentacles R may represent an ideological shift that alters how material values (including money, property, and other aspects of Earth signs) are perceived. A more detailed interpretation might specify how that shift is expressed through leadership changes. For instance, this card could illustrate a loss of power for one or more leaders (reversal) that precipitates the rise of others. This could be a transfer of power from Biden to Harris (for example during a short transition period before the end of his term when he is unable to lead, as she is not represented in this card) to Trump and even someone else similar to Trump (something like the 'twin win' I referred to in another post; leaders who double or mirror each other) later on. In that case alone, the King of Pentacles R would represent two to three or more leaders, whose transfer of power would be made possible by previous reversals.

At the same time, the card could additionally be read as the transfer of power or stepping up and stepping down in a royal family of another country, which you have clearly picked up on. So I agree with you, as there can be many layers to the messages that a tarot system conveys. I appreciate that you took the time to share your insights, which have helped to highlight the complex ways that tarot can communicate with us!

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Hallo Kyra, thank you so much for this, what a privilege! You are of course absolutely right, and I am not. You see, I think I'm a little afraid of the Tarot - I very seldom draw it - but I'm always amazed at how some people get to the answers so fast just by drawing. In your case (and I've been reading you for some time) it's incredible how you're so "fine tuned" with this family: just look at what you drew back in February for each relevant sign (Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn) it's out of this world, really! But of course not exclusive of the BRF, so you're so right.

I'll also use this message to thank you so much for teaching me the concept of Stichomancy - I had never heard about it, though I have been "doing it" since childhood. You're an absolute master, Kyra, and I'm really very thankful to you for all you give. Lots of love. L.

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Don’t know what I could possibly add except to wish you a continued good recovery for your health.

And my country’s, also.

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Thank you, Wildflower! I hope for the same.

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Hi Kyra- first time commentator but I've been following you for a little while! When I first read your dreams, I disbelived them because they sounded scary, but it looks like they all came true. President Biden stepped down (we thank him for this selfless, hard decision), and now Harris's policies are progressive, all about building wealth, and promising change. It's crazy.

I also noted you said post election it would be chaotic- that tracks. The right wing media, especially Fox News is likely going to declare Trump won the election based on the fact that the polls said he would and that the ballots were wrong. And then there will be lawsuits, and perhaps violence from his followers.

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Thanks for following the posts and for sharing your thoughts, EarthHero. I appreciate your reflections!

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Thank you for responding- I hope you health is doing better! I actually like your climate predictions- which is how I got to know you, because I work in climate change space :).

Also, I did remember one thing you wrote: you saw Harris pack her purple suit and don a white suit: She wore a purple suit when she was inagurated as VP, and a white suit when she accepted the party nomination for President. That's amazing (and uplifting for me lol) that you saw that.

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Thanks Kyra. The link you gave to my Substack (Newsom, Astrology and the US in 2025) was posted on June 28th and on July 21st Biden stepped down, as we know, in favour of Harris. So that's come to pass. This new card, the King of Pentacles upside-down, shows Capricorn the goat. We end Pluto in Capricorn in November, near the election. Thanks for this entire article; your psychic dreams of the future are always incredible!

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Yes, you certainly saw that coming! Your timing, Jessica, as usual, is remarkable. That's an astute observation you made between the King of Pentacles R that keeps coming up in readings and the end of Pluto in Capricorn. I hadn't made that connection and it does coincide with the elections. A new beginning.

September should be interesting for the elections with Pluto Rx in Capricorn, then moving direct in October. There are sure to be disruptions and, as usual with Neptune in Pisces, illusions. Things aren't always as they seem. Along with Saturn Rx in Pisces through November, the winner might not be clear. I'm expecting chaos, confusion, and even what could be described as pandemonium, with protests on both sides and each major party believing they won. Strong feelings for each set of candidates will produce lot of passion and it's going to take time to sort out what this is about, what happened, and who actually won.

If we thought it was a big deal when Trump wouldn't acknowledge that Biden won, imagine how it will be if neither side is clearly acknowledged as the winner--at least at first. Perhaps a mistake is made along the way with counting votes or something else. It's all very strange and unusual with how it's been showing up in the cards. There's a limit to how much I can interpret.

As far as I can see based on recent readings, it looks like the left-wing media will put forth one narrative, and right-wing another. Both could be certain that they won. This divisive portrayal of reality erodes public trust in mainstream media even more, giving rise to increased use of social media for news (cue Musk, X, and this platform's part in the elections). I expect that the level of drama will be high, at least for a while until some order is restored again (to a point). The National Guard could even be called in close to the night of the elections and nights to follow. It's going to be a month and more for the history books.

I think the tarot and your astrological combinations reflect how these elections will be quite the nail biter!

I'm ever grateful for your articles. You have shared so much information that has given me a lot to think about and I'm continuing to reflect on what you wrote. I appreciate that you are reading my dreams, too...it's very kind and thoughtful of you!

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