From Venus in Aquarius to Mars in Aries: An Initiation & Invitation to Endless Kindness
+ A Note of Appreciation for Readers
A Note of Appreciation for Readers
Dear Reader,
Today I want to emphasise two meanings of the word ‘reader’. I’m addressing not only you who read these posts but also those of you who read the cards.
More specifically, and in the spirit of Venus moving into Aquarius yesterday, I’d like to express appreciation for the tarot reading community. Something extraordinary that stands out for me about tarot reading is the solidarity and cross-promotion that I’ve seen over the years. It’s been extended to me, and I’ve seen other readers extending it to each other. I learned this from watching some of my first mentors.
Reading for Readers
When I gave readings at self-help bookstores, I noticed that readers read cards for each other. In doing so, they were sharing some of the most intimate details of their lives, and forming a connection that went beyond working in the same space. I think this is a rare opportunity for any profession, and I feel fortunate to be a part of it. Giving each other confidential sessions also helped build trust.
By reading for one another, we also became familiar with each other’s specialties and strengths. As a result, we recommended each other to clients who were looking for something beyond what any one of us could give on our own. In other words, we would refer clients out if we felt they could benefit from the additional skills or experience another reader could offer.
I’m aware that some are competitive in this field. I think that’s inevitable in any area, even other spiritual practises. Like you, I’ve heard stories and witnessed online sagas. But the ones I’ve seen becoming the best at being readers are those who treat others in their field with kindness and respect. They do this with generosity, as it’s true that clients have a choice of where to go for readings so the reality of this business is that it is competitive.
So why do readers cross-promote and speak highly of one another’s specialised skills when competition is a factor? Perhaps they see themselves as a connected community, lifting each other up and getting further together than they would have alone. Part of the reason for their success might have something to do with that spirit of helpfulness. If someone is supportive of the fellow readers whose work and way of being as human beings speaks to them, it’s more likely they will bring that helpful spirit into their readings. Kindness builds trust, and the way people see us interact with one another could be a clue as to how a client might expect to be treated in private. Privacy and confidentiality are critical in maintaining a safe environment for one-on-one readings or any form of therapy. A person can only feel safe and grow if they know they can trust their reader.
The Star Reversed: Fears as Falling Stars
The Star Reversed reminds me of the competitiveness I sometimes encountered on set when I was working as an actor. This drive to climb the ladder of success at nearly any expense is part of Pluto in Capricorn that we recently left behind when Pluto moved into Aquarius.
One of the more ridiculous examples was when I arrived on set and an actress gave me a strange smile as soon as she saw me. It was not a welcoming feeling. It was one of those smiles that contradicted the look in their eyes, like a mask on the lower face that doesn’t cover up what’s in the upper. She gestured to one of the A.Ds and I heard her say, “I told you there are to be no other redheads on set but ME!”
As soon as I heard that, I started planning for the rest of my day which would include grazing at crafts service and possibly staring into space in a sort of pseudo-meditative state. Two of my favourite hobbies. Unsurprisingly, the A.D. approached me and sheepishly said, “I’m sorry, but it doesn’t look like we’ll be needing you for this scene”.
By the way, I was only cast as a corpse in a morgue. It still went against her rule of “no other redheads on set”.
I have similar stories, and maybe you do, too, from your industry. Perhaps the core of competitiveness comes from the same place, regardless of whether you work in film, TV, the arts, a corporate setting, as a business owner, or elsewhere. I try to be understanding of where this is coming from. People invest a lot of time and resources into their careers, sometimes making huge sacrifices to follow a dream. Some perceive a professional endeavour as their life purpose, a higher calling, or even an obligation to society to use their abilities. They may be right about that. It’s also easy to forget that we’re all connected when a business is so competitive. It’s not easy for most people to navigate capitalism because being born with enough capital to never have to work is unusual. I try not to be judgmental about the ways people adapt to survive.
At the same time, when competitiveness goes so far that it causes harm, that harms us too. This phenomenon of courting rivalries is depicted in part of The Star Reversed, where the spirit of working together is lost. You can see this rivalry in the image below. Upside-down, it’s as if the stars in the card are falling from the sky. The cosmic order is disordered.
Upright, the card can be a symbol of faith, Reversed, fears are exposed. It’s as if the big star can’t stand to be in the space of other surrounding stars, so the whole system collapses. They have to work together to stay in a functioning system. Each star relies on interconnectivity, despite appearing to be separate. This is like an ensemble production where one actor is unwilling to work with others or a choir where one singer insists on being louder than everyone else, seemingly unaware of the group effort. I know because I was that singer in a choir until someone gently pointed it out to me. I was embarrassed that I hadn’t been listening to the other choir members and adjusted my voice to share the songs. I enjoyed it more when I did. Listening to other singers and not making it about me also took the pressure off of having to perform.
I suppose the same could be said about tarot card readings. When the focus is on helping someone, the need to be the centre of attention is set aside. This can reduce the stress of striving for an outcome, which may make the interaction more authentic. Part of the Aquarian spirit is about being able to use your gifts without having the ego get in the way. Allowing the space for the client to be the star of the reading frees us to use our abilities for a higher purpose: for helping other people, and for helping to shine a light on their gifts. Showing off is counterproductive and in my experience, it takes away from the power of the reading. Sharing the stage, sharing our songs, and making room for everybody to shine is a way to honour Venus in Aquarius.
Psychologically, The Star in its reversed position can signify a lack of self-worth, a loss of faith in oneself or one’s career, or possibly unhealthy self-criticism. It is like the actor who is so afraid of being upstaged that they’ll kick an actor playing a cadaver off the set who might not have been seen and probably wouldn’t be noticed in the scene. The Star Reversed can be afraid of losing attention in one way or another. Depending on surrounding cards and the history of the querent, this card in its reversed position can indicate extreme fear of abandonment due to inattention or neglect from a parental or early childhood guardian figure.
More specifically, The Star Reversed exposes a fear of scarcity. In regards to this card, we might call it a fear of ‘starcity’.
This fear can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, as fear alters behaviour, which changesthe way others perceive us. Optimism or belief in oneself does matter when it comes to outcomes, at least when it comes to building relationships.
The Star Upright
Venus in Aquarius: An Initiation and Invitation to Endless Kindness
So what’s the solution to the fear and lack of faith depicted in The Star Reversed? An answer to this is revealed in The Star Upright’s imagery and astrology. Considering we currently have so many planets in non-competitive Aquarius, this is an opportune time to meditate on The Star. Venus moving into Aquarius denotes a period when the emphasis on relationships may become more friendship-oriented and cooperative. The potential ideal of harmony in humanity exists in this position. Reversed, The Star can denote a group of activists, club, or organisation that’s become disjointed due to internal conflicts of beliefs or goals. Upright, a club, society, or cause has a chance to thrive because an overarching mutual goal has been established and effectively implemented.
The Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Pluto are also in Aquarius, which collectively highlights the communal and personal benefits of practising mutual support. In the story of this card, there is enough for all of us, so sharing is not only safe but brings people closer together. An antidote to a scarcity mindset is a meditation on abundance—not only for ourselves but for those we care about and all living beings.
The group of stars in the sky may represent a group of people here on Earth, perhaps inspired to become like the stars themselves. This emphasis on group relationships and the unity and synergy of Venus in Aquarius is mirrored in that cluster of stars.
The woman in the image is illuminated by the light of the stars so she can see what she’s doing, even though the scene takes place at night. A bird perched on a tree looks unusually large and maybe sings or speaks to her. It’s almost as if the bird is big enough to be in the foreground but chooses to be in the background. The big bird in the background is like a famous theatre actor who will sometimes take a small role in a play. This keeps the performers humble in their work, and appreciative of actors who play smaller roles when that well-known actor plays a major part again in some future production.
Importantly, the figure in the foreground of the card holds more than one pitcher or container. The water from one receptacle is given to the land, and another is poured into what appears to be a lake. By taking care of others, she takes care of herself. By approaching nature in the spirit of giving, she paradoxically gives to herself at the same time. Her gesture symbolises a simultaneous self-nurturing and nourishing of others. By giving to the larger body of water and not just the land around her body which directly affects her, she is reaching out to a larger community beyond herself or her own family.
Notice how the water from the jug in her left hand not only dampens the land but also flows back into the body of water. That first gesture of watering the Earth represents two steps. By taking care of herself (the land around her), part of that water flows back into the collective pool. There’s a lesson in self-care coming from the pitcher in her left hand. In other words, what she gives to herself she ends up giving to others, as taking care of ourselves can help us be more present for others, whether as readers, therapists, or in other professional or volunteer work. This can also be true of any relationship outside of work or hobbies.
If you haven’t already, look at the images of the water in the foreground. The water appears to have come from the lake in the first place. No one is completely ‘self-made’. We’ve all learned from others in life, whether by witnessing their actions or interacting with them. The water in the figure’s container that nourishes the earth came from the larger body of water in the first place. What we give back to life couldn’t have happened without what life gave us in the first place.
In essence, this woman pays it forward for what she has been given. When you help or mentor someone else in your profession, as a healer, in a spiritual practise, 12-step programme, or as a parent, grandparent, or guiding friend, you are giving a similar gesture back to the world for what you have been given. This is how a gift goes on giving throughout the water cycles in the story of The Star. In that way, this tarot card is an initiation and invitation to the practise of endless (or at least recurrent) kindness.
While the bottom of the card says ‘THE’ Star, there’s not just one star on the card. There is a main star, and the woman could be considered a reflection of that star on Earth, but all the stars in the sky form a ‘family’. The sky lights the earth brilliantly enough for this woman to nourish herself and others because many stars shed light on one another. Incidentally, in some contexts the sign Aquarius can be associated with flashes of brilliance. There are many stars in this card as we all play the part of a star at one time or another in our lives and in one way or another. Everyone has a gift to share in this life.
Groups of Stars Reading Tarot Cards
Why is this spirit of speaking and acting in good faith towards others in the same profession noticeable in the tarot reading community? Maybe there are many theories about this. Something I notice about this work is that, despite there also being capable and talented male readers and readers of every gender, most of the tarot card readers I’ve met and worked with are women. I don’t know the official statistics for percentages of male versus female readers, and the numbers probably vary from country to country. If you have any recent statistics on this, I’d be interested to read them. There do seem to be many female readers, at least from my experience. Are women more accustomed and encouraged to promote each other, speak well of one another, see the best in others, and eschew competitiveness? What do you think?
Hypnotherapy Support
I’ve noticed a similar web of support amongst hypnotherapists. If someone has a skill that I don’t specialise in, I’m happy to recommend someone who does. I’d rather send someone to a person who has expertise in that area of specialty, and save my time for sessions where I can offer the kinds of support that interest me the most. For instance, while I took a course in child hypnosis, I don’t specialise in child hypnosis. If someone has a specific issue their child wants to work through with hypnotherapy, I would suggest that they find a certified, trained specialist in that area. By the way, if you’re in Los Angeles and looking for a talented hypnotherapist for children, I’d recommend Lisa Machenberg, a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who was also one of my favourite hypnotherapy instructors. I attend and participate in her clinical hypnotherapy conferences and I continue to be fascinated by her imaginative approaches.
The Stars in Your Life
No matter what area you work in, whether it’s in the self-help field or anywhere else, you’ve probably noticed the good feelings that instantly come from being supportive of others who share your interests. If someone has ever publicly directed unsolicited criticism towards you or your business, it’s probably more damaging to their reputation and image than yours, especially if they’re in a helping profession. If they can’t approach you directly about an issue, what kinds of communication skills can they offer to their client? Can a client trust them to keep their session private?
Making and Facing Mistakes as a Path to Embracing Venus in Aquarius
At the same time, a reader who can’t take any criticism will have trouble growing and learning from mistakes. That can be true for any profession. Some of the most successful people rose to where they are by admitting a mistake or limitation and continuing to grow and learn. As a reader, perhaps the most reliable way to receive critiques is from the clients themselves. For instance, if you have confusion about something in your reading, you might be able to reach out privately and ask for clarity.
In the interest of promoting group harmony, it helps to be willing to admit when a mistake has been made. An inability to take responsibility limits relationships, both one-on-one and, as with Venus in Aquarius, in society.
Everyone makes mistakes, whether as a reader or in any other profession. I’ve made mistakes, and examining what happened helped me to become a better reader. The more experienced I become, the less often I notice this happening. Sometimes it’s not even a mistake but rather a misunderstanding. How something is being communicated is important in addition to what is being communicated. There can be many ways to say the same thing, and tarot interpretation is such a rich topic that I intend to elaborate on it in another post. For now, I want to emphasise that no one can be 100% correct 100% of the time. I feel skeptical of anyone who claims to never make mistakes and always be right. It’s not a realistic belief and probably isn’t healthy.
Speaking of realism, we can only see so much in the cards, and some areas of your life will look clearer at one time than another. There are only so many topics a reader can cover in 60 or even 90 minutes. This is one of the reasons why it helps to bring questions if you have areas you want to investigate or problems you hope to address. Questions or at least topics can help you to get the most out of your time with a reader.
At the same time, sometimes you just won’t click as much with one reader as with another. That tarot reader might be the perfect fit for many others, but maybe someone else has a message for you, at least at that time in your life. The same is true of counselling, or when you are looking for any kind of help. The relationship matters, and you should both feel you are making a connection.
Confidence and Capability
For those tarot readers and others who have good things to say about those who are offering the same or similar services in their field, it shows confidence in their work. If you feel capable about what you’re doing, there will be no need to feel threatened by anyone else. If you don’t feel capable yet, that might just mean more study or experience will bring confidence, or perhaps you’re still searching for your niche. Once in a while, someone can be overconfident in any pursuit to a degree that is incongruent with ability or skills.
When imagining a dream, it’s more likely to happen if it’s aligned with who you are, what you can do, and what you are willing to spend a lot of dedicated hours pursuing. It also needs to be realistic based on your needs. I don’t make plans to do anything that would require me to spend hours in the sun or move somewhere hot because I have heat and sun sensitivity with symptoms that are like an allergic reaction. On the flip side of that, I am quite comfortable and healthier in cold and cloudy weather. I think I’d be fine if it was winter all year long, or maybe fall and then winter for a little variety. I can also objectively appreciate why people enjoy the beauty and freedom that summer offers. If there was a cure I’d take it, but there is no medication for heat or sun intolerance. The prescription is avoidance.
What I’m trying to convey is that one intolerance can cause tolerance in another way, and a limitation can help to make other paths more clear. Limitations can serve as redirections to another path. That doesn’t mean there won’t be a period of mourning if something has been taken, and it’s normal to grieve. Back to the story of the ‘corpse in the morgue’, I eventually stopped pursuing acting in a hot climate because I couldn’t handle outdoor shoots in the sunshine and heat. That led me to other pursuits, going back to school, and doing things that are now more fulfilling to me than acting was. One of those things I like to do is write to you.
Now let’s return to the topic of this section, which is about confidence and capability. If there is someone in your life who insists on becoming a full-time professional dancer but lacks coordination and refuses to practise, the 7 of Cups Reversed might help with understanding where they’re coming from. That doesn’t mean to back off of dance, but will it be realistic as a full-time professional pursuit? Realism about the form something can take within your circumstances makes it more likely that you can move forward on what is possible. Waiting for the ‘perfect’ circumstances can cause a delay.
Through this analogy, we come back to the theme of competition. Dance is notoriously competitive. Perhaps there is another interest close to that area that the person in this example hasn’t explored. It doesn’t mean to stop dancing, just to reexamine how and how often that can happen to get started on something and not miss out on that satisfaction of moving as soon as possible. If you see yourself as a dancer, there’s a part of you that probably already is. Perhaps a profession related to the arts or performance will connect to your experience and abilities. Or maybe it’s just that you need to take one step at a time instead of attempting to leap ahead to the finish line.
It’s important to have hope and exercise optimism. Sometimes a little flexibility and a slight adjustment to a dream is the key to helping it move forward in reality. At other times, you may be surprised to find a whole new dream takes its place that gives you more than what you had before.
Justice Card Reversed: An Incongruency Between Ability and Opportunity
However, a lack of movement in the direction of a dream is sometimes due to a misalignment between ability and opportunity, which is expressed in the card of Justice Reversed. These are the tragic circumstances of the talented poet or musician who is born into poverty and has no time to pursue their art because they are struggling to survive. It happens often, and I can’t imagine how much great art we have potentially lost to history because of all those who had no time or resources to create with their gifts. Wouldn’t it be nice to see that change, so artists anywhere in the world and born into any background could be free to create without fear of scarcity? Imagine if it happened in our lifetime.
7 of Cups Reversed as Inspiration for Redirecting Goals
When the 7 of Cups Reversed refers to the incongruency between ability and opportunity, that is a societal rather than a personal problem. A more frequent interpretation of this card is that it can denote a denial of reality. A disconnect between dreams and ability might not harm anyone, but it could prevent someone from redirecting their attention to pursuing something meaningful and rewarding. Facing reality can be a helpful opportunity for examining and rewriting goals. Self-deception or a distorted sense of self is an aspect of the 7 of Cups Reversed, and I’ll come back to that exception when we look into the 7 of Cups in another post.
There are many benefits to keeping the focus on one’s work instead of criticising the work of others in that same field. The energy of putting the focus on someone else can take away from building and practising skills. That time can be more satisfyingly redirected by continuing to learn from mentors or books, using your creativity to expand your ability, and dedicating your life to helping someone in need. However, if the focus is sometimes on genuinely praising someone else, that gesture can also be useful as the energy of positivity has the potential to deepen and heighten one’s work.
Interlude: News From the Future Preview
Speaking of spending more time on my work instead of thinking about what other people are doing in theirs, I sometimes continue doing readings in my dream life. If you are a reader, has this happened to you?
I had this post ready to be published today and then I had a dream while falling asleep last night. It was so vivid I want to share it with you as soon as possible. I’ll elaborate more on this in a future News From the Future post.
The dream was ominous. I was looking at the land below from an aerial view as if watching it on a news programme, but also seeing it as if I was there while it was happening or possibly watching it from a plane. The most noticeable part of the image was that of white smoke. It looked like a thick blanket of clouds but not clouds from nature. There was grey on the edges. I was certain that these were manmade clouds and it looked like a nuclear explosion. It was clear that Putin was involved, yet so was Lukashenko, to a lesser degree but as an ally to Putin. Was this an accident, or intentional? I couldn’t tell. Yet it makes no sense for Russia to initiate something like this when that could invite a response from the U.S.
While it would be more logical to think the event in this dream was accidental, I’ve learned not to use my rational mind to attempt to explain and make sense of visions or dreams as that can obscure accurate interpretations. I made the mistake of doing that once in a prediction when I let myself be pressured. Attempting to make sense of what I saw resulted in a misinterpretation of the vision. If I had gone with my initial impression after I saw the vision under self-hypnosis, that could have been helpful. Instead, I allowed someone to talk me out of it and reinterpret the image because they didn’t like what I saw.
I felt regret about my decision, although since then my mistake has helped me to be less influenced by other people’s feelings about my readings. At the same time, I try to be sensitive about how I deliver information. All I can do is try, but that effort doesn’t have to compromise the truth. The potential helpfulness offered by accuracy in interpretation is more important than appeasement. I don’t do this work to be liked. If I did, it wouldn’t work. I’d be happy to do it anonymously, but anonymity in readings compromises credibility. By the way, the desire for peace and freedom that comes with privacy can be yet another manifestation of The Star Reversed. If you are reading a reader, and depending on surrounding cards and circumstances, the upside-down Star may represent the part of us that doesn’t want to be seen or to be seen for what we see in visions.
That time when I let myself be talked out of a vision is an example of the topic I brought up earlier in this article about learning from mistakes. Accurate outcomes as a reader are more likely to transpire if you can detach from pressure.
Return to the Vision
In terms of the details of this initial vision, you are probably wondering where this incident occurred. I am not entirely sure. It was clear that it affected Eastern Europe, but I can’t be sure that it was there. The land was entirely covered by clouds in the aftermath of this apparent catastrophe. It gives me no pleasure to share this or to bring up the horrific topic of nuclear conflict, or even the threat of it.
This dream startled me enough to wake me up. The feeling you have when you wake up from a dream can be a clue to its meaning.
The overriding feeling was that of terror, in more ways than one. It was a feeling of terror but also anger at the role terrorism played in the precipitating events that led to this disaster. This feeling was concurrent with a thought that the incident would temporarily blow away the other major news of today, except for the possibility of Trump’s reelection due to his connection to Putin. The theme of failed conflict may become more prevalent in the news when Mars moves into Pisces, from late March 2024 on. When Mars moves into Aries in late April/early May, this is a position that aligns more with conflict and war. Mars in Aries rules war. There could be successful news related to warfare or protection from attack.
Venus in Aquarius, an energy we’ve just been given with this transition, is a harmonious contrast to Mars in Aries. Venus conjunct Pisces in March may obscure a truth about conflict. On a personal level, and depending on how Pisces intersects with your chart, this conjunction can refer to withdrawal from strife in one’s own life. This post’s emphasis on moving from Venus in Aquarius to Mars in Aries in 2024 is an invitation to keep collective needs in mind when problem-solving about an unavoidable conflict.
After I went back to sleep, I had another image in a dream this morning that was also disturbing: I saw Zelenskyy, falling on his knees. It was as if a force pulled him down and he couldn’t help but fall. It looked like a white surface, possibly a floor so maybe indoors. There was a feeling of a palace close and in the distance, or something happening in a palace at the same time. While there was a brief image of Kyiv, something related to this event was happening at more than one place, and more than one palace, at a time. I felt upset to witness this image. Was someone targeting him? Was this the result of the explosion? What was the connection?
At the end of the dream, he was able to stand back up again. It was almost as if he disappeared and came back. The journey didn’t look easy, but the dream followed up with news headlines that included the printed word: ‘Triumph’.
This dream brings up many questions, and that was all I saw so far. If a vision, dream, or self-hypnosis session prompts questions, I sometimes look at the cards for more information.
So I just shuffled the cards for more insight into that two-part dream, and this is what I drew:
The Devil Reversed can be about regaining control from an oppressive relationship or force. It is about freedom and independence after a period of suffering. This card in a reversed position can mean the ending of an unhealthy situation. Endings aren’t always easy, and under extreme circumstances, they can be fraught with danger. I don’t know all the ways that this card could relate to these dreams. For now, this card indicates a difficult journey that strives towards improvement.
When you get the Devil Reversed card in a reading about your own life, it is more positive to receive it in the Reversed than Upright position. However, if you do get it Upright, that can be the signal that making a change will bring about the freedom offered by The Devil Reversed. The Devil Upright invites transformation. Reversed, it indicates that transformation has already been set in motion. According to this follow-up tarot reading, something about those dreams may have already been initiated.
Keep in mind that visions and dreams can be symbolic. More will be revealed in time that can help to differentiate the literal from the figurative. This is why it’s worthwhile to consult with the cards or astrology after receiving a vision or dream.
What I didn’t mention yet is that before I drew The Devil Reversed. I noticed a glimpse of another card: the 7 of Wands. While it didn’t make it to the top of the deck after I shuffled, this card can add a layer to the meaning behind The Devil Reversed. The 7 of Wands indicates protection, self-defense, defending one’s land or territory, and persevering despite challengers. This card can allude to setting boundaries with competitors. In that way, the 7 of Wands speaks to one of the themes of this post: when someone attacks another whom they see as competition for land, wealth, power, or other material assets, it’s possible to keep setting and, if necessary, escalating boundaries. When someone is safe or has proven themselves to be trustworthy over time and with solid actions, you can call in the spirit of Venus in Aquarius to collaborate. If collaboration is not in the cards for you, the 7 of Wands, in a similar vein to the King and Queen of Swords, can be invoked as inspiration for protecting your space.
More News From the Future is on the way from me in February. Meanwhile, I’m going to leave you with a meditation on the practise of kindness…
Conclusion: The Lifelong Practise of Endless Kindness
Let’s get back to the theme of this article. How can we make the most of Venus in Aquarius? What are some of the other benefits of extending goodwill towards others in your community, whether in thought, word, or deed?
As a bonus, extending kindness to others is good karma. If you’re not feeling compelled to be kind at times, which is part of human nature, sometimes it works to pray for someone until the good feelings towards them come. You’ve probably heard this quote from the Dalai Lama, which could probably be a daily reminder for me because it’s easy to forget but perpetually applicable: “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible”.
I wish you all the best of success in your journey to help others, as I know the cards have helped all of us at one time or another.
And for all of you reading this, whether you’re a reader of the cards, like having your cards read, or are just dabbling in the topic, please know that I’ve appreciated your interaction and presence over the years. You may not realise this but getting the opportunity to write these posts to you has helped me grow as a practitioner and as a person. In that way, you’ve collectively become a great guide to me, and I’m happy to continue sharing this journey with you.
Peace be with you,
Free, Extended February Astrology and Tarot readings for your sign are now available:
COMING SOON: Homage to Nostradamus
It’s been a while since I’ve posted rhyming readings as a homage to the spirit of Nostradamus. I’ll offer these custom poems as soon as I find time for them. It does take more time to write in rhymes! For now, I know I have time to type in prose, so I’ll see you for March readings in the next tarot post!
Psychic and tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only and are not performed by a licenced medical practitioner. Please consult with your medical doctors regarding all health concerns. Please consult with your financial advisor regarding all financial decisions. The readings you receive are not fortune telling and there are no promises or guarantees about the outcome or accuracy of tarot or other readings. We make no representations or warranties, either express or implied, concerning the accuracy, relevancy, or quality of the information provided. No guarantees are stated or implied. Any consultation you receive is subject to your interpretation and you agree to take full responsibility for your interpretation, decisions, and actions. Comments are public and may be searchable on websites and search engines.
About your dream and the Devil reversed, perhaps it was about Ukraine and the death of Navalny. Could it about the needed funding from America coming through and reversing yet again the ground Russia has recently gained? That perhaps Navalny’s sacrifice will propel a turn around? It sounds like the news broke after you had your dream. Could it be?
It might be cheesy but I saw a quote the other day that resonated: ‘Stop climbing the ladder and become the ladder’. It takes nothing to help people, promote or be kind to someone who needs it. ❤️