News From the Future, February 2023: Exposure of the Leaders
King of Pentacles Reversed
The King of Pentacles wears a crown that is decorated and filled with flowers. He holds a coin in one hand and a sceptre in the other. The King sits on a throne with four carved bulls, representing the sign Taurus. An abundance of grapes adorn his garment and surround his feet. His left leg and foot are armoured, signifying military power that can be summoned by his command with just one step. His castle in the background is constructed of at least four different levels, at least as far as we are able to see within the frame of this image.
Pentacles represent Earth signs and the King of Pentacles is most similar to the sign Capricorn. Upright, this card can denote material security, responsibility, authority, or all three. In its reversed position, exploitation and materialism can cause him to fall from his throne. The Reversed Pentacle King is the kind of leader who cannot appreciate the value of nature. He is narrowly focused on short-term profits, personal gain, and monetary benefits for friends who promise favours in return. Generally, this card in the reversed position can presage an exposure of corruption and wrongdoing prior to the fall of leaders, Kings, and CEOs.
Alternative interpretations of this card include warnings about gambling, debt, or overindulgence. On the other end of the spectrum, the King of Pentacles Reversed can be an invitation to explore the role of workaholism in your life. Whether it’s about overworking or overspending, this card sheds a light on the sacrifices that can result from financial dependence.
Treating Tarot Court Cards to a Royal Reading
Tarot cards are an apt tool for making predictions about royalty because the Court Cards represent roles played by royal families (Kings and Queens) and those who work for them (Knights and Pages, who can also represent Princes, Princesses, Dukes, Duchesses, et cetera).
These cards can also represent you, aspects of your psyche, or those in your life. Most of the time, the cards will not represent literal royalty, but when you use them to read about people in positions of power, the Court Cards are able to be especially clear about who they represent.
Previous Royal Pentacles Predictions: 2021-2022
The King of Pentacles showed up in a tarot card reading about 2022 (published 29 December 2021). This tarot prediction was published as follows: “The death of royal significance will show more clearly in 2022 than in any previous year. A change in leadership in the British royal family will herald the downfall of a system...” This reading from 2021 predicted that the British royal leader would change in 2022. Queen Elizabeth II was “the longest-reigning monarch in British history” and reigned for 70 years. True to the prediction of a change in royal leadership, 2022 was the year the Queen passed away:
On 17 August 2022, I tweeted about the “death of the monarchy following QEII's lifetime”. Three weeks and one day later, the Queen crossed over.
Preview of Extended Article:
World News From the Future: Stichomancy Methodology
“Mess and Redress at the Palace: Near-Tragedy for the Monarchy”
“Near-future news about the monarchy will focus on stories about excessive materialism. The King of Pentacles Reversed can denote a loss in reputation, but it also warns about the possibility of tragedy for royalty and those in power. Who is most affected by this trend will depend on several other factors such as chosen behaviour, astrological aspects, and personal karma…”
Q&A: “What do the cards predict for the British royal family this year?”
I was taking a walk this week and felt guided to stop by a particular Little Library. Sometimes I test my intuition by letting myself be guided to the libraries that will have the right messages for me. “Third shelf down is where it will be”, I thought to myself. I walked to the library I saw in my mind and at first, I didn’t notice anything special or unusual on the third shelf. How could that be when my intuition had guided me so well to other libraries before? Just as I wondered this, I moved a book aside that was blocking others in the back, and there it was, on the third shelf: a copy of The New Oxford Book of Victorian Verse. I thought this book might have a special message since I was guided to find it and particularly because I’ve been looking for a book of poetry.
That was last week. This weekend, I decided to use stichomancy to seek out a message by asking a question, opening the book to a random page, and reading the first quote I saw for an answer. Stichomancy is a form of divination that you can use with many books. Bibliomancy is the same, only it is done with a Bible. Stichomancy can be done with any sacred text, as long as your intentions are in the right place.
“What should I write about this week?”, I asked the book in my own mind. I closed my eyes and opened to page 97. This is what I saw:
Well, that was clear! I was being guided through stichomancy to write about The Prince of Wales. I was not expecting anything in this book to be about royalty. I was already going to write about the Royal Family but this confirmed the one I ought to focus on. But which Prince of Wales? I went into a state of self-hypnosis and combined a close reading of the text with a psychic reading to discover the message behind this poem for the future of the House of Windsor, and how it connects to The King of Pentacles Reversed…
Q&A: “How and when will William and Harry reconcile?”
U.S. News From the Future
In U.S. News, this card can be about mass corporate layoffs, which we are already seeing as of January. According to this card, the trend is expected to continue.
“One of the suggestions in this card is to focus on long-terms goals instead of short-term gain, so genuine happiness is free to be pursued…”
“Years of Secret Deals Revealed”
“…this month will be challenging for Biden …”
Future News for You
Power in numbers will be a big theme this year, especially when it comes to activism and the climate crisis. We are going to see a lot more support and a lot less competition, especially by March, when Pluto moves into Aquarius. The end of Pluto in Capricorn means the fall of corporate power and reassembling of humanity into collectives. It's almost as if all of humanity is collectively outgrowing competitiveness. This revolutionary transformation of human consciousness will be necessary for our survival, resulting in touching and unprecedented waves of connection, acceptance, and unity.
The division we now see is an anticipatory resistance to that unity. In the long run, cooperation wins as the spirit of competition becomes unpopular. How ironic that cooperation itself is in competition with competitiveness to win in a race for peace!…
Q: “You predict that some major corporations fall at the same time as AI will be on the rise. How will this change opportunities for future workers?”
“I don’t even think that what we spend most of our time on in the future will be called ‘work’…Instead of ‘work’ or ‘working’, substitute words will be something like ‘life’, ‘living, ‘support’, or ‘supporting’. An example in a sentence would be something like: ‘I’m waking up early tomorrow to support climate refugees’, or ‘I’m using my energy by offering supportive efforts in environmental sustainability’. These sentences might sound artificial to our ears in 2023, but people will speak slightly differently in the future by expanding the meanings of verbs.
I can hardly wait to read the new words that will fill our future dictionaries! Since verbs are action words, and the climate crisis will require new kinds of actions in the interest of preserving life, it makes sense that we will develop new and expanded verbiage—and verbage! Creative uses of verbs and adverbs will reflect a more action-oriented future era…”
“Grow Your Business with Self-Hypnosis Exercises”
“Handwriting Recasting: Rewrite Your Fate”
“The Cursive Self-Hypnosis Exercise offers an opportunity to reshape self-perception. The discovery of hidden aspects of identity can bring about new destiny…”
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World News From the Future: Applying the Stichomancy Methodology
“Mess and Redress at the Palace: Near-Tragedy for the Monarchy”
Near-future news about the monarchy will focus on stories about excessive materialism. The King of Pentacles Reversed can signify a loss in reputation (whether long-term or temporary), but it also warns about the possibility of tragedy for those in higher positions. Who is most affected by this trend will depend on several other factors such as chosen behaviour, astrological aspects, and personal karma. These positions are in danger of being taken away and beneficiaries are at risk of being demoted when this card shows up in a reading. Professionally, this card alludes to instability or excessive spending. There is a warning against greed and there is a possibility of an exposure of greed when this card comes up in a reading about business.
I had an upsetting dream that Princess Charlotte was suffering from an illness that seemed to be both bronchial and stomach-related. There was a fear of tragedy and that this happened accidentally, although she was given the best care. How was she exposed to such a strange illness? Kate is prominent in the headlines at this time. I saw her appear with worrying looks on the cover of many magazines. Later in the dream, conspiracies arose about a possible poisoning that was meant for someone closer to the throne. The dream was so troubling and disturbing that I hesitated to share it with you. Towards the end, it looked like Princess Charlotte was recovering. This event was taken as an alarming warning of new dangers and security measures were heightened. This may sound strange, but it somehow connected to the war in Ukraine as my next dream took place on the border between Ukraine and Russia.
Q&A: “What do the cards predict for the British royal family this year?”
After I opened to page 97 of my newfound book of poems, I applied an interpretation of the text to this question about the British royal family. Following this combination of close reading and psychic reading, you can see in the poem above, “A New Song on the Birth of the Prince of Wales”, that the focus this year will be on the material assets of the royal family. The specific focus will be on the spending and assets held by the first Prince of Wales, Charles. The poem is also about a father and son. By depicting Charles and Camilla as the villains, the press will be able to paint the newer Prince of Wales, William, as the saviour. That will make him popular and allow the monarchy to last longer, which of course is what the press wants as they provide them with their income. And yet, “He will be as like his daddy…”
In terms of interpersonal or familial relationships, this card is about a threat to the power of the head of the family, particularly if that person is in charge of the money. This card in its reversed position highlights how stubbornness combined with blind tradition can backfire in the absence of flexibility. Adapting to a new world is necessary at some point and this card shows initial resistance to incorporating needed changes for the purpose of survival. It’s as if some people involved will test the waters to see what they can get away with before making any lifestyle concessions.
Alternatively (and sometimes additionally), this card can be about someone who uses their financial position in the family to control other members. In other words, someone in this situation is manipulating and perhaps attempting to coerce others into doing their bidding. At its most extreme, this card can be interpreted as ruthlessness, jealousy, or even misguided ambition. King and Queen cards refer to an older person or generation. No matter whose idea it was first, and as I mentioned in a previous post, it is Camilla who will largely be blamed by the press and the public. Notice that the card is a King, so Charles is a part of this too. There is also an issue of an advisor or advisors who led them down this path in the first place. The control extends to other family members and affects them each in different ways. This card in its reversed position can allude to the inability or unwillingness of a father to provide which might compound the problems of an already declining popularity and standing.
Regardless of these crises, the royal business will go on, debating that its needed existence is based on tourism and the boosting of morale. There will be a heightened level of nonstop PR machines simultaneously churning fancy stories. It looks like new, sometimes younger, PR representatives will be added to some of the present ones to manage the royal family’s public reputation. Others who have been around a while will take the fall in a mini-version of the King of Pentacles Reversed, which can also be about corporate layoffs.
What comes next for the British royal family this year? I will answer that by interpreting the rest of the poem in a future post…
Q&A: “How and when will William and Harry reconcile?”
The words “tyranny” and “security” show up in future news headlines. I pulled another card about this question for additional insight and that card is Death (XIII). The Death card can signify transformation. The number 13 or a combination of 1 and 3 shows up in connection with the word “security” in a near-future news story. While death brings these brothers closer together again and again, this card can also mean that an aspect of their relationship has died. That doesn’t mean it can’t be revived, but it might happen much further into the future or perhaps in another lifetime.
At the same time, I see William having strong emotional armour around him, as in the King of Pentacles figure, that was metaphorically placed there by Charles. It is a self-defence mechanism of familial protection. William aims to gain popularity with younger generations, and is consciously playing the long game with his children’s futures in mind. He would have learned this as one of the tactics for perpetuating longevity of rule from his grandmother, the Queen.
While this question will continue to be speculated about in the future news of February 2023, the answer happens later on. Following Charles’ eventual passing and in an effort to rehabilitate the family image, I see a private meeting and understanding with plans that are made for the next steps. It’s not that the brothers won’t reconcile before that, it’s more that it’s mostly in private . There will be multiple private conversations that include both disagreements and agreements. The common ground is in their children and a shared desire to make a better world and the safest, most ideal circumstances for everyone in the youngest generation. That can be done better together than apart.
Concern about a high-profile plane crash and near-miss of tragic circumstances changes the direction of the future for this family. Meghan’s security becomes an issue in newspaper headlines again, as well as Harry’s and that of their children and William’s. I have never seen these kinds of security issues for this family before in the card, yet more recently this has been showing up for multiple family members. Something changed over the last few years.
Despite their current quandaries, this family will learn to operate differently in a changing world out of necessity. The royal business (show business) will go on, arguing for a need for its existence based on tourism and the boosting of good feelings at a time when morale is low. This card takes itself seriously, so some of the antidotes to the current problems of this royal system will be the demonstration of a sense of humour, coupled with generosity (traits of the planet Jupiter). Once the King of Pentacles becomes a better ruler by transforming the problematic traits of this card (such as materialism and greed), a balance can be forged between the private industry of royalty and public needs of the future.
World News From the Future Themes: Corporate stinginess, financial uncertainty, AI development, career changes, rejection of materialism, the birth of a new way of life.
U.S. News From the Future
One of the helpful suggestions in this card is to look at long-terms goals instead of short-term gain so genuine happiness can be pursued. On a deeper level, criticism of the U.S. government this year will be about a need to prioritise the long-term health of humanity and the planet instead of short-term profits for large corporations, some of which won’t even be around decades from now. Yet another interpretation of this card is the temptation to sell one’s soul for fame or wealth, especially if King of Pentacles Reversed shows up close to The Devil card in a tarot spread.
Near future activists will ask questions about this in interviews, such as: “Why should we sacrifice the quality and longevity of life for the next hundreds or thousands of years for corporate profits that won’t even exist a few years from now?”
“Years of Secret Deals Revealed”
According to the King of Pentacles Reversed, this month will be challenging for Biden and other world leaders. Which world leaders will it affect the most? The ones with the greatest amount of money because a King of Pentacles is a holder of wealth. The “secret deals” will be revelations about financial gain, particularly related to previous campaign funding. This seems to be a setup from Republican competitors intending to damage his image before the next Presidential elections. There will be almost unrelenting calls for further investigations. These inquiries will be compared to Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi hearings. The results of investigations into anyone connected to Biden will be referred to by a more centrist press as “Much Ado About Nothing”. The whole affair drains the time and energy of the Republicans’ competing Presidential campaign while planting seeds of doubt that succeed in damaging images, all of which is the point.
An additional interpretation is the analysis of ongoing costs of Covid which will become more prominent news and social media headlines in and beyond February. These analyses will examine the financial implications of failing to implement more preventative measures. There will also be a call from the public for a more thorough evaluation of long-term health impacts, particularly for children. Hidden financial and health costs are about to be revealed. Expect expressions of anger from the public sector due to being uninformed about known risks of repeated exposure, especially at work and in schools where people are obligated and pressured to attend.
U.S. News From the Future Themes: Investigations into corruption, revelations about and/or uncovering of military secrets, questioning of corporate power, and activism that demands financial and housing support. Articles about an increasing interest in collective gardening and self-sufficient ways of living. Tax change proposals.
Future News for You
Q: “You predict that some major corporations will fall. At the same time, you mention AI will be on the rise. What are some of the options for the future of workers?”
One of the challenges of the next few years will be how we all adjust to the upcoming upheaval that will result from the King of Pentacles Reversed energy. The fall of large corporations and the instability of hierarchy will generate a period of uncertainty. Some people will start their own business or get involved in a creative venture, but most of what I see has to do with online collectives that appear to be co-creations of businesses or professional collaborations on a large, multinational scale. Based on this vision in addition to upcoming astrological trends, it seems that creativity, humanity, and collaboration become pertinent aspects of future work.
I don’t even think that what we spend most of our time on in the future will be called “work”. That’s how much the world is changing this century and even in the 2020s. There will be other words for what we think of as productivity. Instead of “work” or “working”, substitute words will be something like “life”, “living”, “support”, or “supporting”. An example in a sentence would be something like: “I’m waking up early tomorrow to support a group of refugees”, or “I’m using my energy by offering supportive efforts in the area of environmental sustainability”. This might sound artificial to our ears in 2023, but people will speak slightly differently in the future by expanding the meanings of verbs.
I can hardly wait to read the new words that will fill our future dictionaries! Since verbs are action words, and the climate crisis will require new kinds of actions in the interest of preserving life, it makes sense that we will develop new and expanded verbiage—and verbage! Creative uses of verbs and adverbs will reflect a more action-oriented future era.
As for the near future, whether the goal is to start or grow, or partner in a business, self-hypnosis can help.
“Grow Your Business with Self-Hypnosis Exercises”
In a personal reading about your own life, the King of Pentacles Reversed can come up in a card spread when it is an optimal time to examine or reexamine the concept of what wealth means to you in your life. Another interpretation is that a different way of approaching money or resources might yield unexpected benefits.
In that sense, this card is also about changing the way we do things to get different results. I learned a couple of concepts about this in hypnotherapy school. Those concepts were built on ways to change your destiny by writing things down differently. One was the Mental Bank program which was developed by hypnotherapist Dr. John Kappas and is explained in his book, Success is Not an Accident.
I watched the vintage video version of the original course with Dr. Kappas which featured Florence Henderson (Carol Brady from The Brady Bunch) as a student at HMI in the 1980s. Florence mentioned that she used the Mental Bank technique and it expanded her income so I tried it myself, and found it worked. It shifted the concept of how much I valued my time.
Florence and Dr. Kappas eventually married, and years later I later interviewed Florence on a show I hosted and I had the opportunity to talk to her about hypnotherapy. Name-dropping is another trait of the King of Pentacles Reversed! In the moments of those two sentences ago, I became a King of Pentacles Reversed! Obnoxious? Yes! But I did it for your benefit!
Anyway, John’s son George Kappas now teaches a course on this technique. I took this course from him and you can watch it on YouTube. The steps for the Mental Bank exercise are explained from 1:21:42 on:
“…what is the sense of self?…it’s a story. It’s a story that we’ve developed about who we are”. —George Kappas, MA, LMFT
While hypnotherapy can quickly change or revise financial belief systems, self-hypnosis exercises like this are a way to save money if hypnosis sessions are not yet affordable. A difference between hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis is that therapy works more quickly and does not require you to do ongoing exercises. The Mental Bank technique isn’t just about prosperity and can be used for anything you want to achieve, including relationship improvement, motivation, and your vision for a better world. If you watch the video and have a follow-up question, please feel free to post it in the comments below.
“Handwriting Recasting: Rewrite Your Fate”
Another technique for altering personal behaviour, and therefore destiny, from a handwriting analysis course I took many years ago at HMI with instructor Elaine Perliss. It is something of a role-playing exercise. Similarly to the Mental Bank method, this technique is carried out on a written level.
As you probably know, handwriting can reflect personality traits. However, if you write in cursive and know the personality traits you want to emphasise or acquire, you can change the way you write in order to take on or reconnect with those traits. Health issues aside (as some can affect writing), you are not destined to write the same way forever, unless you want to. And if there are health issues, you can shift your destiny with many other techniques (keep reading for more details). Like an actor, you have some control over the way you perceive and present yourself and one of the ways to shift that self-perception is through the form of your script.
When you “rewrite” your handwriting, you are basically “recasting” by taking on or awakening the personality traits you want to accentuate. If you want to be more calm, confident, approachable, passionate, or spiritual, a new way of writing can shift the way you perceive yourself and accordingly behave. I found that how you write can alter the way you see yourself, but also, eventually, the way others will see you.
Additionally, what you write in that new style (such as positive affirmations) can add another level of change. Of course, not everyone is taught cursive anymore and you will be able to do more with this exercise if you know cursive. In some ways, this may become an antiquated but hopefully still belovéd technique. If you don’t write in cursive, the printed word can offer some change even if the results are limited.
Furthermore, if you like to sketch or even doodle, you can also change your destiny based on what and how you draw. What you think about, you bring about. Another substitute for writing in cursive or drawing as a way to change your destiny is to make a vision board that features how you want to see yourself in relationship to others in future times. The Cursive Self-Hypnosis Exercise offers an opportunity to reshape self-perception. The discovery of hidden aspects of identity can bring about new destiny.
May you meet with every destiny you seek!
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Preview Papers from the Future:
“News From the Future Predictions”
“Regression Exploration with Jessica Adams”
“Meditation Station: Long-Term News for a Change”
“Psychic Stories and Studies”
“The Psychic Time Traveller Presents: History’s Mysteries Solved!”
“Adventure to the Future III: Predictive Dreams and Future Life Progressions”
“Literary History of Visionary Poetry”
“Dream Prophecies in History: Factual Figures and Characters in Literature”
“The Realm of Dreams: Exploring Dream Meanings and Precognitive Dreaming”
“Music as Meditation: Musicality and Spirituality”
“Viking Rune Stone Reading Meanings”
*Psychic readings are for entertainment purposes only and are not performed by a licenced medical practitioner. Please consult with your medical doctors regarding all health concerns. Please consult with your financial advisor regarding all financial decisions. Any consultation you receive is subject to your own interpretation and you agree to take full responsibility for your interpretation, decisions, and actions.
Amazing, Kyra. Especially the insight that the media will elevate William and Catherine on a pedestal if/when Camilla and Charles fall. It is their income stream. The astrology backs up what you see. It says, March 2023 begins the crisis for Charles III's financial affairs, as Pluto at 0 Aquarius will square his Moon at 0 Taurus. The entire family is triggered at 0 degrees and so is the Church of England. Thank you.