Accurate Predictions 2023:Year in Review
"What the Cards Got Right & What They Missed" Plus "Making Predictions: How Cards Work With Visions"
Dear Readers,
Happy Boxing Day! I hope you’ve had some time to enjoy the holiday season so far!
This is my annual article that reviews some of the accurate tarot predictions I posted over the past year. Some of these predictions were made years ago and just came to be in 2023. I will go over what the cards picked up on (and what they missed). As many of you no doubt know, cards can’t anticipate or give details about everything. This is one of the reasons why tarot card readers will supplement readings with other tools like psychic channeling and astrology. If you can recall other predictions that came to pass (whether mine or another reader’s), or have alternative interpretations of these predictions, please feel free to post your thoughts in the comments.
Speaking of predictions and tarot card readings, I’m offering up to 50% off New Year's Reading Flash Sale through this Saturday, December 30th. These sessions have traditionally been popular for facilitating New Year’s resolutions (with the help of hypnotherapy) and for seeing what’s coming in the next year (through psychic tarot readings and astrology).
Book a session at up to 50% off here…discount rates available through this Saturday!
In other news, I’ll be working on a writing project soon. That does mean I’ll need to take another break from premium subscriptions. However, your subscriptions will remain active for another week so you can ask your monthly tarot question in the comments. I’ll return as soon as I can!
I’d like to take this opportunity to give a special thanks to psychic astrologer, friend, and colleague Jessica Adams for her contributions to some of the U.S. predictions that are featured in this post (more details below), and for her contributions to this Substack this year!
Wishing each of you all the best of everything in the New Year,
U.S.News 2023: Accurate Predictions
*Earthquake Near Northridge
Predicted August 12th, 2023
Occurred August 20th, 2023
What I Got Right:
The cards brought about a prediction that an earthquake would occur that was similar to the Northridge quake of ‘94, and it happened 8 days later.
As you can see from our correspondence above on Twitter/X, Jessica Adams points out how this prediction relates to astrology.
A Note on Differentiating Memories from Predictions
In terms of this earthquake prediction, I lived in Northridge in 1994. How did I know I was not having a flashback? How much does life experience and skill-building drive our ability to predict, and how much is separate from experience and expertise? How can one separate memories from predictions? If you’re interested, perhaps this is a topic we can explore together in another post.
Overall, this experience gave me a language and point of reference with which to anticipate and identify a similar upcoming event.
What I Missed:
While this was a major quake that was close to Northridge and was compared in the above article to the Northridge quake, the epicentre was approximately 67 miles north of Northridge, in Ojai.
*Presidential Impeachment Predictions
Predicted September 10th, 2023
Occurring September 28th (U.S. House of Reps Committee Hearing)-Present
What I Got Right:
The “Presidential power change” predicted by The Devil card on September 10th specifically referred to Harris (which implies a shift in Biden’s power) and related to a future change in Presidential leadership. This could mean that the impeachment process harms Biden’s reelection bid.
There were also indications in my 2024 Predictions post of a U.S. trend towards female Vice Presidential (as well as Presidential) candidates in 2024 as predicted by The Empress card. How will candidates like Nikki Haley and others fit into all of this, for the upcoming and following Presidential elections? More on that later…
Back to what came true in this prediction! By this December, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to formally authorise an impeachment enquiry:
Thanks to Jessica for noticing this development in the news:
*U.S. Book Bans in the South
Predicted September 17th, 2017
Occurring 2021-Present
What I Got Right:
Book bans have been taking place and there has been a rise in this practise, mostly in Texas, Virginia, Florida, and Tennessee.
What I Missed:
The recent focus has been on banning rather than burning books (at least so far).
*Call for Reparations
Predicted August 26th, 2023
Occurred September 19th, 2023
What I Got Right:
The 5 of Swords R predicted on August 26th that there would be debates about reparations, and on September 19th articles were being published that highlighted the publication of a UN report advocating for “financial reparations for transatlantic slavery”.
*Changed Attitudes Towards Religions & Universities; Attacks at Universities
Predicted August 2nd, 2017
Occuring October, 2023-Present
What I Got Right:
“Protests and counterprotests”, as well as “physical and verbal attacks at universities” in which people would be wearing “fashions” to identify with protests such as “a single piece of fabric” or “scarf” during “attacks against universities” have been highlighted this fall in news articles, newscasts, and television specials such as 60 Minutes’ episode of “Israel-Hamas Tensions on College Campuses”.
The prediction also mentions that this conflict would draw in “celebrities and government officials”. Many celebrities and government leaders have been pressured to speak about this issue.
These rallies even culminated in an intersection between universities and governments when a Congressional hearing investigated the roles of University Presidents in not condemning on-campus rallies calling for a genocide of the Jewish people:
What I Missed:
I did not identify the precipitating events that would bring about these marches.
World News 2023: Accurate Predictions
*2021 Prediction: “Near Future…Resurgence of Neo-Nazism; Village…Attack in the Early Morning”
Predicted August 8th, 2021
Occurring October 7th, 2023-Present
What I Got Right:
This paragraph connects “Nazi rallies as major warnings of danger”, “Hitler at a Canter’s Deli on Fairfax”, the “resurgence of Neo-Nazism” in the form of “marches and rallies”, a “village” in which “Nazis attack…in the early morning” and “the town is…empty the next day”. I refer to a dream about a cancelled Bar Mitzvah due to this attack, so it is clear that this prediction foretells an attack on Jews.
One of the worst terrorist attacks in history took place in the early morning of October 7th, and was followed by a global rise in antisemitism that has not been seen since Nazi Germany. These were the “…third-deadliest terrorist attack since data collection began in 1970, based on number of fatalities, with the 9/11 attacks representing the worst mass fatality terrorist attack. Islamic State attacks are three of the top nine deadliest attacks, with two attacks in the top five”, although when taking Israel’s significantly smaller population (about 9 million) than the U.S. (close to 335 million) into account, the attacks were a more significant percentage of loss of civilian life.
There was also a tragedy related to a Bar Mitzvah that was highlighted in the news. Ariel Zohar’s family had been planning and preparing for his Bar Mitzvah, when his father, mother, two sisters, and maternal grandfather were brutally murdered in the October 7th attack. I do not know if this was related to my nightmare, but his significant loss as a result of these attacks and so soon before his Bar Mitzvah was featured in many news stories, and my dream featured “…a little boy about to have a Bar Mitzvah…but Nazis attack their region in the early morning…”. True to the prediction, Israel was attacked early in the morning of October 7th.
What I Missed:
While it was clear that the “early morning attack” on a “village” that would render “the town…empty the next day” would be directed towards Jews, it did not occur to me that it would be in Israel.
True to my 2021 nightmare about Hitler coming back to life (despite my attempt to “talk him out of coming back to life”) at this specific deli at that same exact address, Canter’s Deli on Fairfax Ave. in Los Angeles was vandalised with antisemitic graffiti just a few weeks after the October 7th attacks.
*2021 Prediction: Neo-Nazi Attack at Canter’s Deli on Fairfax Ave.
Predicted August 8th, 2021
Occurred November 1st, 2023
What I Got Right:
True to my 2021 nightmare about Hitler coming back to life (despite my attempt to “talk him out of coming back to life”) at this specific deli at that same exact address, Canter’s Deli on Fairfax Ave. in Los Angeles was vandalised with antisemitic graffiti just a few weeks after the October 7th attacks.
*2016 Prediction: “Rebel Attackers Who Associate Themselves with Isis…Recruiting…Young Citizens” In London; Connection to “A Major Hospital”
Predicted June 20th, 2016
Occurring October, 2023-Present
What I Got Right:
Whether this is entirely accurate or not, Hamas, as one of the militant extremist movements of Islamic jihadism, has been compared to ISIS. You may have noticed this with the recurring hashtag on X of “#HamasIsIsis”. Following the October 7th terror attacks by Hamas, there have been noticeably large rallies supporting language from their Charter in London this fall (one was attended by hundreds of thousands), and this prediction mentions problems arising from “holes in the security”. According to this predictive dream, the conflict extends beyond one attack. The dream focussed on a warning about “rebel attackers…recruiting…a large group of young citizens”, marching with them, training them to become terrorists. Training takes time, and the dream leading up to the marchesseemed like it lasted for years. One of the most pertinent details was that one of their key strongholds would be based in London.
This dream occurred 7 years ago; before we knew about these rallies in London following the actions of a terrorist group that would be compared to ISIS. The details of this dream give rise to a question about how much of this “marching” that recruits “young citizens” has been or will be connected to “attackers” and “upcoming attacks”. Whatever the answer to that is, the dream warns that young people who are recruited into and “marching” with a terror organisation will face a “trial”, possibly by association with ISIS-like leaders. A trial could be interpreted as professional consequences or criminal prosecution.
I noted that Hamas would not agree to a ceasefire in a previous tarot card reading in the comments of a post published on December 11th. On December 20th, Hamas rejected an Israeli proposal to even consider a week-long ceasefire in exchange for the release of 40 hostages. As of December 25th, Hamas flatly refused Egypt’s proposal for a permanent ceasefire to end the war. As Bernie Sanders recently noted, he is “not quite sure how you negotiate a cease-fire with a terrorist organization that is dedicated to perpetual war.”
What I Missed:
The terror attack happened in the fall, as predicted, but not in 2016. I didn’t use astrology for this prediction, and astrology can be very helpful for timing, and have learned to check more often with astrology for timing since then.
However, as the dream was before 2023, do you think it is possible that this recruiting of young militants was taking place then? Was I dreaming of what was already happening, and we are just now seeing the results on the streets of what was set in motion years before? How long has this been planned? For the things we don’t now know, perhaps more will be revealed in time.
*2018 Nightmares: Rise of Neo-Nazism & Antisemitism in America and Europe
Predicted July 23rd, 2018
Occurring Now
What I Got Right:
When I heard the news of people hiding in bathrooms, safe rooms, and other spaces during the October 7th attacks I remembered the very real feeling of this dream about the future in which “Nazis” were “looking for…Jews”. I was one of them and trying to hide.
It is worth mentioning that the next dream after the one in which future Jews would be hiding from “Nazis” is followed by “people escaping through tunnels”. Is that possibly referring to terror tunnels built by Hamas, where they have been keeping some of the hostages they kidnapped? I knew nothing about the tunnels at the time of these dreams in 2018.
What I Missed:
I don’t know yet what the connection is to the U.S. (as some of these dreams refer to the U.S.), but it seems from Dreams # 2 and #3 from above that there could be a pending conflict between the U.S. and Russia, and also involving other nations. I will post an update if additional interpretations of these dreams become apparent based on what we discover through future news.
*2016 Prediction: Attack on Israel Related to Palestine & Iran; War in the Middle East;
Russian Invasion of Eastern Europe “Parallel to World War II”; Iran Involved
Predicted December 31st, 2016
Occurring October 7th, 2023-Present
What I Got Right:
This prediction from 2016 anticipates an “attack” on Israel involving Palestine and a subsequent vision of “Palestinian migration”. The prediction adds that there would be an ensuing “cold war tension with Iran” (which could refer to Israel, the United States, or both). Based on this prediction, watch for connections between Syria, Russia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and other key players. According to the Center for Strategic & International Studies, “Since the October 7 attack, Israeli officials compared Hamas’s tactics with the scale of the violence to the Islamic State’s campaign in Iraq and Syria”. Part of the reason this vision mentions Syria and Iraq is the connecting factor of terrorist organisations carrying out attacks on multiple countries. This prediction emphasises that there is a larger, global war at play that has been developing and is continuing to unfold on a mass scale and beyond this region.
What I Missed:
I don’t know why there was a train in my prediction. I also didn’t see how an attack on Israel would be connected to Iran, but we now know that the terror attacks of October 7th were funded by the Islamic Republic of Iran and are carried out by its proxy terror regimes.
Making Predictions: How Cards Work With Visions
I’m curious to know how you work with the cards. Do you experience clairsentience, clairvoyance, clairaudience, or claircognizance? If so, do one or a combination of these extrasensory abilities occur before, during, or after pulling a card for yourself or someone else?
When I pick a tarot card that triggers clairvoyance, I either see images for the person I am reading are be superimposed onto the card, or the images shapeshift as if I am watching a moving film that reveals more of a past, present, or future story about you.
More often, I will see an image that is not on the card after looking at the card, whether I close my eyes or not. If the person I am reading is not on the phone but is sitting in front of me (whether on Zoom or otherwise), I will see images around them related to their past, present, or future.
However, this is what happens after I look at the cards, and I only take out the cards well into the reading. I do not begin my readings with tarot or questions (except for readings in the comments as there is more limited time to get you the answers you seek).
The way cards work best for me is as a supplementary tool after a period of psychic channeling. This is a more unusual technique that requires confidence in your abilities which can be developed with time, experience, and ongoing studies. Channeling before consulting with tarot takes some of the responsibility away from the cards and places it on other sources (such as spirit guides, or wherever you believe we are channeling from). However, I find it to be more accurate because the less you tell me, the less biased I will be, the less information that will block potential messages, and the more likely it is that we will get closer to the truth you seek. Tarot helps answer questions that you have not found the answer to through logic alone because, like other altered states of consciousness, they are able to bypass human logic.
Tarot cards can also offer alternative combinations. For example, you can ask, “What if I take this different action? Will that change the outcome?” Then we would shuffle the cards and see if they tell a different story. Based on more than one spread, you can see which story guides you most closely to the outcome that will bring you the outcome you seek.
The cards might also suggest an action you can take to get a different result. Once in a while, the cards (or cards combined with astrology) will indicate that a supplementary exercise such as an affirmation, self-hypnosis, or guidance towards a meditation practise would help bring about a more beneficial outcome. The details of that practise would be specific to you. That’s where psychic channeling is also supportive throughout a reading, as channeling can offer unique messages that are more particular to you than what the cards can show you on their own. Channeling works well in conjunction with the cards because psychic senses fill in the blanks for information that can’t be detailed by the cards, whereas cards reveal truths with minimal human intervention. The combination psychic channeling and tarot cards is a marriage of subjectivity and objectivity, telling us how, why, where, and what. A concert of astrology plus psychic channeling can answer some or any of these insights, in addition to the question of “when”.
So what do tarot cards offer that astrology and psychic channeling don’t? One of the differences is that tarot cards speak in a visual language that communicates through combinations of images that any of us can relate to. They are a material modality, whereas channeling and astrology are a cognitive tool. These are some of many reasons why I keep coming back to psychic channeling, tarot card readings, and astrology. Overall, I’ll get more answers (and more details to those answers) if I stay open to using whatever combination of tools seems most needed for a particular reading.
Sometimes I will write one prediction after another without realising they are connected. It is only in looking back at them in later years that I recognise how they tell a story that would not have made sense in the context of when I wrote it. This trend of how tarot cards predict connecting factors that might not make sense at the time is something I can continue to learn from and look for when making future predictions. One of the most valuable lessons I have picked up on from doing readings over the decades is to say what I see without judgment. The need to explain or understand a prediction before publishing it or telling it to someone can block the information that is trying to come through the cards.
One of my New Year’s resolutions will be to say what I see in these tarot predictions and precognitive dreams even more than before, no matter what anyone thinks, and whether or not it makes sense to me or anyone else at the time. As you can see, the accurate predictions that we confirmed in this post (and other annual “Accurate Prediction” prediction posts) feature some peculiar details. Yet they came to pass regardless, even though factors that linked the stories from these readings together were missing at the time. This is why predicting news reports through visions, dreams, and cards is less biased than reporting them in real-time. We can’t possibly understand everything we’re reporting or how it will personally affect us when the events haven’t even taken place yet.
These seemingly unrelated details limit our ability to interpret everything we dream about and discover in the cards. Yet it’s precisely this limitation that helps to confirm we made a genuine prediction…as we couldn’t have possibly put together such unlikely connections until events were to unfold in future times.

Part II of “Making Predictions: How Cards work With Visions” will be published at a later date for premium members. The topic of Part II is how to identify and interpret predictions through tarot cards.
If you would like to read these more in the context of the original versions of these predictions, you can locate them by typing keywords into the search bar on Substack or my blog at
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Preview Papers from the Future:
“Making Predictions: How Cards Work With Visions, Part II”
“News From the Future Predictions”
“Regression Exploration with Jessica Adams”
“Meditation Station: Long-Term News for a Change”
“Psychic Stories and Studies”
“The Psychic Time Traveller Presents: History’s Mysteries Solved!”
“Adventure to the Future III: Predictive Dreams and Future Life Progressions”
“Literary History of Visionary Poetry”
“Dream Prophecies in History: Factual Figures and Characters in Literature”
“The Realm of Dreams: Exploring Dream Meanings and Precognitive Dreaming”
“Music as Meditation: Musicality and Spirituality”
“Viking Rune Stone Reading Meanings”
*Psychic readings are for entertainment purposes only and are not performed by a licenced medical practitioner. Please consult with your medical doctors regarding all health concerns. Please consult with your financial advisor regarding all financial decisions. Any consultation you receive is subject to your interpretation and you agree to take full responsibility for your interpretation, decisions, and actions.